Kochi Metro Recruitmrnt 2017: Various Openings for KudumbaShree Members


KudumBashree, Kerala Invites Application for Various Posts assigned for KudumbaShree members in Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL) (A Joint venture of Government of India and Government of Kerala).  The last date for submission of online applications is 10th February 2017.

About Kudumbashree:

Launched by the Government of Kerala in 1998 for wiping out absolute poverty from the State through concerted community action under the leadership of Local Self Governments, Kudumbashree is today one of the largest women-empowering projects in the country. The programme has 39.97 lakh members and covers more than 50% of the households in Kerala. Built around three critical components,micro credit, entrepreneurship and empowerment, the Kudumbashree initiative has today succeeded in addressing the basic needs of the less privileged women, thus providing them a more dignified life and a better future. Literal meaning of Kudumbashree is prosperity (shree) of family (Kudumbam).

Vacancy Details:

vacancies are following post.. Number of vacancies are not mentioned in the advertisement.

Sl.No Department Post Name
1 House Keeping Team Leader
2 Gardening/ Horticulture Gardener
3 Ticketing C.F Team Leader
TOM/EFO operator
Call centre
4 Customer Facilitation Customer Facilitation Staff
General Staff
5 Parking Team Leader
Parking  Supervisor
Parking Staff
6 Canteen Canteen Supervisor
Service Staff
Kitchen staff
Cleaning Staff


Education Qualification:


Department Post Name Education Qualification
House Keeping Team Leader Degree + Fluency In English and Malayalam
Supervisor SSLC pass
Cleaner 8th Standard Pass
Gardening/ Horticulture Gardener 3 year Experience in Gardening
Helper 1 Year Experience in Gardening
Ticketing C.F Team Leader Degree + Fluency In English and Malayalam
TOM/ EFO operator 12th Class pass + Computer knowledge + Fluency In English and Malayalam
Call centre 12th Class pass + Computer knowledge + Fluency In English and Malayalam
Customer Facilitation Customer Facilitation Staff 12th Class pass +  Fluency In English and Malayalam
Survey 12th Class pass + Computer knowledge + Fluency In English and Malayalam
General Staff 8th Standard Pass
Parking Team Leader 12th Class pass +  Fluency In English and Malayalam
Parking  Supervisor 12th Class pass +  Fluency In English and Malayalam
Parking Staff 8th Standard Pass
Canteen Canteen Supervisor Degree/ Diploma in Catering+ Fluency In English and Malayalam
Service Staff 12th Class pass+ Fluency In English and Malayalam
Kitchen staff 8th Class Pass + Experience in cooking
Cleaning Staff 8th class pass


Important Dates:

Last Date of  Application :4pm , February 10th 2017

Address in which filled application to be sent:

District Co-ordinator, Kudumbashree, Civil station, kakkanad, Kochi-682030

Notification In malayalam
Application Form