Applications are invited online only from qualified candidates for selection to the following post . Application must be submitted online through the official website of the Commission after “ONE TIME REGISTRATION”. Candidates who have already registered can apply through their profile. The photo uploaded through One Time Registration should be taken after 31.12.2010 and also bear the name of candidate and date of photo taken in the bottom of the photograph.The uploaded photo will be having a validity of ten years from the date of photograph taken.
Gazette Date: 30/08/2016
Category No: 225/2016
Name of the firm : Kerala Muncipal Common Services/Various Development Authorities.
Name of Post : Driver Grade II (LDV )
Scale of pay : Rs.5250-8390
Number of vacancies reported : 10
Method of Appointment : Direct Recruitment
18 – 36 .”Only candidates born between 02.01.1980 and 01.01.1998 (both dates included) are eligible to apply for this post. Other backward Communities and SC/ST candidates are eligible for usual age relaxation.
- Literacy in Malayalam, Tamil or Kannada
- Must possess a Light Motor Driving Licence of atleast three years standing with endorsement for driving Light Duty Vehicles. (Candidate shall possess a Current Driving Licence and badge throughout all the stages of selection process as on the last date of application, OMR test, practical test , Interview etc.)
- Proficiency in Driving Light Duty vehicles(to be proved in a practical test.
Mode of submitting applications:-
Candidates shall register as per ‘ONE TIME REGISTRATION’ system on the Official Website of Kerala Public Service Commission (Link is given below) for applying for the post. Candidates who have already registered shall apply by logging on to their profile using their User ID and password. Candidates shall click on the ‘Apply Now’ button of the respective posts in the Notification link to apply for a post. No application fee is required. Candidates can view and have a printout of the details in the profile by clicking the link Registration Card, if required. Candidates are responsible for the correctness of the personal information and secrecy of password. Before the final submission of the application on the profile , candidates must ensure the correctness of the information on their profile. They must quote the UserID for further communication with the Commission. Applications once submitted will be received as provisional and particulars shall not be deleted or altered after submission. The application will be summarily rejected if non compliance with the notification is found in due course of processing. Documents to prove Qualification, experience, community, age etc. have to be produced as and when called for.
[highlight color=”yellow”]Last date for receipt of applications : 05.10.2016 Wednesday up to 12 midnight[/highlight]